How To Obtain a Make Safe Permit to Satisfy Open Violations in Philadelphia

If you live in Philadelphia, and have received a property violation of "unsafe" or "dangerous" you may be wondering what to do next, or how to address this issue of unsafe construction. We are here to walk you through how to obtain a make safe permit, how to obtain a building permit, and following proper procedure.

Defining a Make Safe Violation: 

A property violation of unsafe or dangerous comes from the city when they deem a property in such disrepair that it needs immediate attention. You would then obtain a Make Safe permit, which is a permit that can only be used to remedy a dangerous condition. This permit does not authorize any unnecessary additions or renovations. Both homeowners and authorized agents such as contractors, design professionals, and expeditors are able to apply for this permit.


Addressing the open violation: 

If you do receive a violation, do not ignore it, as the penalties can be very costly. Failure to address an outstanding violation can result in massive fines, or even the demolition of your building or structure by the city. Go to Philadelphia Atlas and search your property address to find Philadelphia building permit records. Scroll down to " Licenses and Inspections " and then check for listed violations. You can click into these violations to get a better idea of the specifics. All of these violations need to be cleared before you can obtain any Phila building permits. The city does allow ample time after receiving a permit violation to rectify it, so take your time in selecting the proper contractors for the job, and obtaining the correct PA building permits, as you do not want to get hit with any other violations.  


Obtain a Make Safe Permit: 

Obtaining a Make Safe Permit after receiving a violation is a pretty straight forward process. Include the scope of work, as well as the homeowner information. You will also need to provide plans, pictures that depict the building's current conditions, and a report describing conditions and remediation. The plans need to be provided by a PA-Licensed Engineer. The plans will need to be signed and sealed by a professional engineer. You will also be required to pay a filing fee, which can vary depending on the size of the building. Once the project is complete, and once all the paperwork has been submitted, L&I will inspect the property to ensure the work has been completed correctly. Once the inspection is complete, L&I will issue the Make Safe Permit, which will satisfy the open violations.


Why Do You Need a Building Permit: 

The penalty for building without a permit comes at a very high price. The contractors may not do a professional job, it could decrease the value of your home should you put it up for sale, and your home insurance may not cover any repairs that are needed. Worst of all, the city will put a stop work order, and you have to tear down all the work, and pay a huge fine. Not getting a regular building permit is one of the most common ways to get a violation on your property. 


How Long Does it Take to Get a Building Permit: 

Make Safe Permits follow a quick turn around time. It is important to stay on top of paperwork because revisions are required to be submitted on short notice. For a one to two family dwelling regular building permit, it typically takes 15 days to process the permit once you submit your building permit application, and 20 days for bigger structures. Building permits in Philadelphia are issued by the Department of Licenses and Inspections. Permits are required for any renovations that affect the properties structure. One thing I get asked a lot is how much is a building permit for a house? The application fee is $25 for a single or two family dwelling, and $100 for any other structure. The actual permit fee varies depending on which work you would like to get done. You can see a full list of fees here.


Book today to get plans for your Make Safe Permit or Regular Building Permit

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Getting an EZ Building Permit in Philadelphia